Expedia Integration
Hostex is now an official connectivity partner of Expedia, providing a reliable and secure connection to manage your Expedia account.
With Hostex, you can easily handle bookings, calendars, pricing, messages, and reviews for your Expedia listings.
To connect an Expedia account to Hostex:
To integrate your Expedia account with Hostex, please follow the steps below:
Navigate to the Connected Accounts section within Hostex.
Click the “+” button to add a new Expedia account.
Enter your Expedia login credentials and Hotel IDs to complete the connection process.

Click on the Link my listings.
Select the property or room type you want to link on the left.
Click on the Link button on the right side.

Other things you should know:
Before connecting your Expedia account to Hostex, there are a few things you should be aware of:
When you connect your Expedia account with Hostex, all rate plans for a listing are loaded into Hostex, and you must link all these rate plans to the relevant property or room type on Hostex.
Due to API restrictions imposed by Expedia, reservations and reviews made prior to the integration cannot be synced with Hostex. Only new reservations and reviews received after the connection will be synchronized.
After the connection is established, you may notice that the price displayed for your Expedia listings shows as 0. This does not impact the booking process. You can manually adjust the prices in Hostex to reflect the correct values as needed.
If your listing has several price plans that rely on the Standard Rate Plan, then you only need to set the price of the Standard Rate Plan, and the other rate plans will automatically change based on it.